Consultant to Conduct Baseline Survey for "Food Security Response for most vulnerable and affected households in Al Udayn district of Ibb governorate"

This tender is expired.

·       Introduction


Project Title :

Food Security Response for most vulnerable and affected households in Al Udayn district of Ibb governorate





Project Code :


Fund Project Code :


Planned project duration

10 Months



Planned Start Date :


Planned End Date :


Actual Start Date:


Actual End Date:


Project Summary :

In response to FSAC first-line Gaps, YDN proposes this intervention aiming to increase access to food for highly vulnerable families in Al Udayn district of Ibb governorate. Al Udayn district has a total population of 197,280 among whom 46,172 are considered in Acute Need according to FSAC 2018 YHRP District Level Targets. Besides that, a need assessment that has been conducted by YDN in August 2018 indicates that more than 80% of the HHs in Al Udayn district are food unsecured and in need for emergency food assistance.

This project will be implemented in three sub districts through unconditional cash / voucher transfers modality in order to maximize the benefit and strengthen the local market as well as maintain a good control over the project activities and resources. The vouchers modality was preferred by a considerable percentage of HHs as per the conducted initial needs assessment. However, the modality will be decided once the detailed need assessment completed. Moreover, an initial market assessment was conducted targeting the main market of the district. It showed that the main food needs of the population are mostly available in the local markets and people could easily reach those markets.
Consequently, the proposed project will target 10,500 individual disaggregated as (4270 men, 4445 women, 875 boys and 910 girls) with unconditional voucher/cash transfers for six rounds to the same households.
The beneficiaries will be selected based on the FSAC vulnerability and targeting criteria. Every effort will be made to ensure that both male and female are targeted by intervention and that both genders are represented in all of the project teams.

Project interventions are expected to directly contribute to the following outcome and related indicators

Outcome 1

Improved accessibility to food for most affected and vulnerable households in Al Udayn district of Ibb governorate through provision of unconditional voucher or cash transfers (based on market assessment results) for 10,500 individuals disaggregated as 4270 men, 4445 women, 875 boys and 910 girls.


% of targeted households with Food Consumption Score of >42

# of individuals benefited from emergency food assistance (unconditional voucher transfers or unconditional cash transfer)

% of women in leadership positions in food management committees


·       Purpose and objectives of the Baseline survey

The main objective of this baseline survey is to establish a benchmark information and performance targets for impact/outcome level indicators to enable comparison against achievements. Specifically, the survey will focus on collecting primary data/ information for the following impact/outcome level indicators:

§  Average/mean Coping Strategy Index score (Both full and reduced CSI)

§  Average of livelihood coping strategy Index.

§  % of targeted vulnerable households which have a food secure (> 42) HH Food Consumption Score (FCS);

§  % of HHs with household Dietary Diversity Score (<5)

§  % of HHs with severe Hunger scale.


In addition, the survey will help to obtain a better understanding of the context and livelihood systems in the project operational areas as well as level of access to humanitarian services.

·        Scope of Evaluation:

The geographical scope of the evaluation is Al Udayn district of Ibb governorate.

·       Methodology

The consultant shall use mixed methods including desk review, household survey, Focus Group Discussions and Key Informants Interview (KII), using simple but numerically sensitive tools to collect data. The sample size must be statistically representative of the population. The analysis will involve statistical and content analysis using appropriate packages as deemed fit by the consultant. The analysis among others should be disaggregated by gender and age (to the possible extent) and pay attention to Gender and protection issues.

In consultation with the program team, the consultant will undertake random sampling of villages within the districts to ensure that the sample adequately reflects the diversity of villages. Simple random sampling will be used to select households for interview and the households will be randomly selected using the list of beneficiary households. Either the head of the HH will be interviewed or the spouse and every effort will be made to preserve an appropriate gender ratio. In addition, adequate FGDs will be done and the consultant will conduct interview with key informants at the Governorate and district level that include community leaders, local authorities, relevant government offices, and humanitarian agencies.

1.    Key deliverables

Following deliverables are expected:


1.     Methodology, including work plan, budget and data collection tools

2.     Training of enumerators and finalization of tested data collection tools

3.     Fieldwork and draft report, including all annexes

4.     Feedback from YDN.

5.     Presentation of findings and recommendations to YDN and/or other key stakeholders for verification/ validation

      6.     Final report, including all annexes



The draft and final report will have the following structure:

1.     Executive Summary (max. 2 pages)

2.     Introduction.

3.     Methodology, including sampling.

4.     Analysis and findings of the study.

5.     Conclusions and recommendations

6.     Annexes

a.     Relevant maps and photographs of the study areas

b.    Bibliography of consulted secondary sources

c.     Finalized data collection tools (in English and Arabic)

d.    List of key informants

Raw data in an agreed format


2.    Timeline

The consultancy service will be undertaken during one month and half starting in Feb. 2018


3.    Competencies and qualifications

The evaluator should be an experienced and independent consultant with the following expertise:

§  Advanced university degree in International Development, Social Sciences or any other related field with a minimum of 5 years of professional in international development and project evaluation.

§  Demonstrated experience in assessments and/or evaluations of interventions.

§  Previous professional experience in Yemen is highly desirable;

§  Excellent understanding of food security, livelihoods, health, nutrition, and WASH

§  Have an understanding of operating conditions in an insecure environment

§  Advanced analytical and report writing skills.

§  Be willing to travel extensively in the working areas of the project.

§  Fluent in English and Arabic (both reading and writing).


Interested consultants/firms are requested to prepare an Expression of Interest and provide evidence to support claims of knowledge, skills and experience:

§  A short proposal (not more than 5 pages) on how to fulfill the requirements of the TOR, and also the financial proposal for the tasks mentioned in the TOR.

§  Resumes/CVs with references,

A sample of similar assignment report (if possible).


4.    Contact/Focal person

Yassin Al Adimi – MEAL Manager will be the focal person. Please send your details to the following addresses; with cc to , and

By: Yemeni Development Network For NGOs
Location: Ibb
Posted: 05/02/2019
Deadline: 11/02/2019